Sunday, August 2, 2009

My Puppy Broke His Leg?

My puppyy is mixed with Rott, Pit, Chow, and St Bernard. He is 5 months old. Recently he broke his leg and he didnt yelp or anything he just limped. We took him to the vet and they gave him a cast but it didnt work b/c he chewed it off and it was causing him more trouble with it on. They also said that surgery would make his leg worse. He stopped limping after a week and I took him back to the vet for a check up and they said he is ok since his joints were ok and the break wasnt too bad. He is limping again and they said they cant do anything about it. The problem is that he's really hyper and loves to run jump and play and he wont stay off of his leg and I am afraid that he will make the break worse. Is there anything I can give him to make him calm down. He does stay inside and has a cage but he's sill not calming down.

My Puppy Broke His Leg?
You can wrap it with vet wrap..the cheapest is the human wrist tape at Walmart..same stuff..anyway, i always use a few pages of a magazine, or paper towel roll cardboard...put something soft, such as an old sock..cut toe of it out., on first, then the cardboard, then the vet wrap..attach it top and bottom with adhesive tape...and then spray real good with the stuff called Bitter he can't stand to chew it...change it every-other day, to let it breath..don't wrap too tight...

I raise a very long legged breed, and rarely get a big litter raised without that happening....they have always healed well, and have gone on to even show just fine.
Reply:Just to let you know- depending on how long ago the break was- putting it in a cast won't do a whole lot. A "callous" starts forming on the bone within a few days of the initial break. If the bone is not set correctly before this starts- it is very hard if not impossible without re-breaking it to get it to heal in the correct position. Usually- after a week- at most 10 days, there just isn't a lot you can do. You definitely want to get the leg immobilized to stop any further damage from occurring. No surgeon will pin or do any type of bone surgery on a puppy unless it is absolutely necessary- the dog is still growing and pinning/ doing surgery will probably cause more problems in the future.

It is normal for a dog to chew at cast- annoying but normal. Look into the Elizabethan collar that others suggested- but these are easy to break and get off if not fitted correctly. You can also spray the cast with bitter apple to keep him from chewing at it. It is not really feasible to keep your dog sedated the entire time he has a cast on- your talking 6-8 weeks. Keep him crated with the collar on and only let him out on leash walks and keep him leashed in the house.
Reply:Take this dog to another vet!!! Any vet will give a dog an elizabethan collar to prevent them chewing stitches, casts or whatever else they might have on them. This puppy's leg can't be left like this!
Reply:You can put collar that looks like a lamp shade on the puppy to keep him from chewing it off. He needs to stay in a small place to help its healing. Talk to him and pet him. Some vets will go in and pin the puppy's leg and put a hard cast on it to help it heal and with the collar they will be fine in about 4 weeks. Good luck.
Reply:exercise keeps a dog calmer. You can't make a dog calm down, that's kinda not fair.

You should have used the cone around the neck so the dog didn't mess w/ his cast. Get a second opinion and use a cone.

Wait too long and it might heal back improperly causing the concern you have now.
Reply:Take him to another vet.

They should have given you some kind of a sedative, or one of those things that goes around his neck that prevents him from chewing on his injuries.
Reply:children's bendryl in very low does
Reply:Great advice from so many, what you should do right away, as so many have said is to GO SEE ANOTHER VET. Yours is crap!
Reply:Have the dog seen by another vet!! Its leg needs to be in a cast. They can put a cone on the dog's head so he cannot chew the cast.
Reply:you should take him to another vet.when my dogs leg was injured i took him too the vet and they gave her some shots and they gave medicine she got better with that.
Reply:Ask to see another vet. It really does need a plaster and fixing or he will suffer with his joints in the winter or damp weather, poor little bugger. Give him some cod liver oil tablets it will help ease his joints, that is when his leg is healed not yet. Bless him
Reply:Eggnog. At least he will get some sleep.
Reply:Hi, that sounds awfully fast for an uncasted leg to heal a break, how long was he in the cast? If it is healed, he may just have overdone it and is feeling pain that comes from not using his muscles for a while if he was in the cast for a few weeks before he chewed it off. If he needs a new cast, why didn't they automatically put an Elizabethan Collar on stands to reason that a dog will chew his cast, especially a puppy, they chew everything! The Elizabethan collar fits around his neck like a collar would, but then it flairs outward with the length ending at the tip of his nose. They can't reach around to chew themselves, but if they put their head straight down, they can eat and drink out of a bowl. I can't understand why your vet didn't use one. You might want to limit his running around for a few days or a week, and use the crate a bit more so he doesn't strain his leg more. If he doesn't stop limping or feels pain when you feel the leg that was broken, you might want to go to a different vet for an exray and see if there ever was a sounds strange to me. Lillian in Canada
Reply:give him warm milk or some chamomile tea to calm him down or just have him lay on your lap and take your to fingers and rub his snout up and down gently it reminds them off there mom and it calms them down


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