Sunday, August 2, 2009

Which of the following would cause a dog to lose all muscle tone in a skeletal muscle?

A) Cutting or destroying the nerve that normally stimulates the muscle.

B) Sleep

C) Immobilizing the joint in a cast.

D) Anesthesia

Which of the following would cause a dog to lose all muscle tone in a skeletal muscle?
A only, immobilizing the joint in a cast after an injury might cause the muscle to atrophy (get smaller) but muscle tone would still be present. This is because all of your muscles are slightly active all of the time (except when youre in deep sleep), even when you are not moving. Motor neurons are stimulating some of the motor units (groups of muscle fibres) to contract slowly all the time, this keeps our muscles firm and healthy.
Reply:A) and C)

A) - I know humans who are paralyzed loose muscle tissue from inactivity, would imagine it's same theory in animals.

C) - If you can't move your muscles waste away. If a cast was on too long I could imagine that being a possible side effect.

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