Friday, July 31, 2009

Todays Bible quiz?

According to the Bible which of the following are characteristics or signs of true Christians?

A.) They are not harmed by any poison.

B.) They can cast out demons.

C.) They speak in tongues.

D.) They have been baptized.

E.) They pick up snakes.

F.) They believe in Christ as their savior.

G.) They can heal the sick successfully.

H.) They believe without proof.

I.) They lack tail bones and their males have no nipples.

According to the Bible who must be put to death?

A.) An unruly or rebellious child.

B.) Those who worship other gods.

C.) Those who curse or hit their parents.

D.) Those who operate or consult psychic hotlines.

E.) Adulterers.

F.) Homosexuals.

G.) Those who do not serve Jesus.

H.) Those who work on the Sabbath.

I.) Witches.

J.) Murderers.

K.) The children and babies of adults who don't believe in your God.

L.) Those who are accused by at least two people of wickedness.

M.) Those who are careless with murderous livestock.

Todays Bible quiz?
Part 1:


Part 2:


Ah... silly fundies and their stupid beliefs.
Reply:That is the Law
Reply:Meg, are you F***ING KIDDING ME, you don't know where the Bible - one of the most bloodsoaked books ever - says you should put anyone to death???? Have you ever read it?!?!?!?!???

It is very rare human stupidity amazes me anymore, but THAT DID IT!

OK to the question, I missed where answer I question one comes from or was that a joke. No nipples? Really?
Reply:Most scholars agree that the first verses you quoted were added to the bible at a later date. They are spurious at best. Some translations refuse to add them at all. The others, some are true and some not. If you are truly looking for which are true and which are not, then state those only. Thanks
Reply:1) none of the above, these can be faked, love for eachother is the genuine mark of a christian and every increasing holiness with denial of short term self interest toward increased long term enjoyment is the right answer

2) none of the above for today, Jesus NOW commands the redeemed to raeach out to the lost, offering amnesty and new life and change to turn from enemies of God to children of God. what will kill you is listening to the snake on the street and in the end the second death where there will be o more chances to repent and believe
Reply:all of the above x2
Reply:Most of your post is in error ----

Also know we have a new covenant(one of Grace) - not under law
Reply:bible test?

according to Jesus, what kind of person are you?
Reply:The idea behind Yahoo Answers is to provide a forum for those who are looking for answers they don't have to ask those who might. It is not designed as a forum for quizzing others... and it is *certainly* not a forum for people who feel they have something to prove.
Reply:I agree 100% with you. Christians are crazy and fanatical
Reply:eek i better prepare for my imminent death then
Reply:I feel so sorry for you.
Reply:Only F in the first section. All others, if they do not accept F.
Reply:These are all questions you can answer on your own if you read the Bible.

A lot can be determined by context. For instance, do you live in a theocracy would be a good question to answer first. Another question to answer first is: am I one of the original apostles of Jesus who were given power to give validity to their new message?
Reply:F on the first one......the second one I would guess is J? But I don't recall where in the Bible it says anyone should be put to death...

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