Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What is wrong with my C++ program?

When run, the output shows both the line for A/B and not A/B why



cout %26lt;%26lt; "It is your turn to attack" %26lt;%26lt; endl

%26lt;%26lt; "Do you: " %26lt;%26lt; endl

%26lt;%26lt; "A. Attack with your " %26lt;%26lt; wname %26lt;%26lt; endl

%26lt;%26lt; "B. Cast " %26lt;%26lt; mname %26lt;%26lt; endl

%26lt;%26lt; "---%26gt; ";

cin %26gt;%26gt; Attack;

if (Attack == 'A')


cout %26lt;%26lt; "You hack at the monster with your " %26lt;%26lt; wname %26lt;%26lt; "." %26lt;%26lt; endl;

actualpatt = mpdef - (rand () % (pdam + 2) + (pdam - 2));

newMHP = mhp - actualpatt;


if (Attack == 'B')


cout %26lt;%26lt; "You cast " %26lt;%26lt; mname %26lt;%26lt; " on the monster." %26lt;%26lt; endl;

actualmatt = mmdef - (rand () % (mdam + 2) + (mdam - 2));

newMHP = mhp - actualmatt;


if (Attack != 'A' || Attack != 'B')

cout %26lt;%26lt; "That is not a valid attack. Try again!" %26lt;%26lt; endl;

} while (Attack != 'A' || Attack != 'B

What is wrong with my C++ program?
Look at the last If statement: Assuming the only inputs are 'A' and 'B', the last if will always be true. If Attack is 'A', it's not 'B', and vice-versa.

I think you want %26amp;%26amp; for that if (and the while, too) instead of ||.

Stylistically, I'd prefer:

if (Attack == 'A')



else if ( Attack =='B' )





// the error message here


or even

switch ( Attack )


case 'A':



case 'B':







Both instantly show that the three conditions are alternatives of each other rather than possibly sequential tests.

Hope that helps.
Reply:"When run, the output shows both the line for A/B and not A/B"

I don't understand your question. You say that it shows both, then not.

Oh ok,

this always evaluates to true "if (Attack != 'A' || Attack != 'B')"

you want

"if (Attack != 'A' %26amp;%26amp; Attack != 'B')"

same thing in your while check.

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