Friday, May 21, 2010

BRAIN TEST! MATH problems!!?

Alrighty lets test out your brain!

1. If n and k are postive integers and 8^n=2^k, what is the value of n/k?

A. 1/4

B. 1/3

C. 1/2

D. 3

E. 4


2. In a certain store, the regular price of a refrigerator is $600. How much money is saved by buying this refrigerator at 20 percent off the regular price rather than buying it on sale at 10 percent off the sale price?

A $6

B $12

C $24

D $54

E $60


3. If the function f is defined by f(x)=3x=4, then 2f(x)+4=

A 5x+4

B 5x+8

C 6x+4

D 6x+8

E 6x+12


4 A total of 120,000 votes were cast for 2 opposing candidateeeeee, Garcia and Perez. If Garcia won by a ratio of 5 to 3, what was the number of votes cast for Perez?

A 15,000

B 30,000

C 45,000

D 75,000

E 80,000


5 If a postive integer n is piced at random from the postive integers less than or equal to 10, what is the probability that 5n+3 %26lt;(or equal to) 14

A 0

B 1/10

C 1/5

D 3/10

E 2/5


GO! :-)

BRAIN TEST! MATH problems!!?
1. B.

2. E.

3. E.

4. C.

5. D.
Reply:Thanks. It was my pleasure! Report It





Reply:1. ln(8^n) = ln(2^k)

n ln(8) = k ln(2)

n/k = ln2/ln8 = ln2/ln(2^3) = ln2/[3ln2] = 1/3

2. not sure what the question is

3. f(x)=3x=4

2f(x)+4 = 2(3x)+4 = 2(4)+4 = 12

4. Let x = number of votes for Garcia

then 120000-x = number votes for Perez

So that x/(120000-x) = 5/3

3x = 600000-5x

8x = 600000

x = 600000/8 = 75000 votes for Garcia

120000-x = 120000-75000 = 45000 votes for Perez

5. If n = 1, then 5n+3 = 8

If n=2, then 5n+3 = 13

If n=3, then 5n+3 = 18

so n can only be 1 or 2; but if you include 0 as a positive integer, then the probability is 1+1+1/10 = 3/10
Reply:1 is B because 8^1=8 and 2^3=8 8=8

2 is E because 20% of 600 is 120 and 10% of 600 is 60. 120-60=60

f(x)=3x=4 2f(x)+4=?

this would mean f(x)=4 so 4=3x and x=4/3 now when f(x) is plugged in it is 12=?

3 is C because 6(4/3)+4=12 and 12=12




4 is C because 3*15000=45000

5 is D because only 0, 1, and 2 work in this instance




Reply:If n and k are postive integers and 8^n=2^k, what is the value of n/k? 8^n = 2^3n =2^k so 3n =k so n/k = 1/3

You have not indicated what the sale price is, so problem cannot be answered.

If you mean f(x)= 3x+4, then 2f(x) = 6x+8

G/P = 5/3 ---%26gt; G = 5P/3

P + G = 120,000

P +5P/3 =120,000

8P/3 =120,000

P = 3*120,000/8 = 45,000

Only 1 or 2 satisfies the inequality.

Thus the odds are 2/10 or 1/5





Reply:1. B

2. E

3. E

4. C

5. D

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