Friday, May 21, 2010

I need help on my work?

1. "The best in this kind are but shadows" is

A. Titania talking about men.

B. Theseus talking about plays.

C. Demetrius talking about the women he has loved in the past.

D. Bottom talking about his fellow craftsmen.

2. One difference between tragedy and comedy is that tragedy

A. uses supernatural elements.

B. usually features an extraordinary hero.

C. makes us laugh at ourselves, not others.

D. uses metaphor and analogy to make its point.

3. When are the following lines spoken?

      If we shadows have offended,

      Think but this, and all is mended,

      That you have but slumber'd here,

      While these visions did appear.

A. When Hermia and Lysander are talking

B. Right before Puck casts a spell on Bottom

C. When Theseus and Hippolyta are talking about their wedding

D. At the very end of act 5

4. What does the speech in question 3 mean?

A. The audience should be offended by the poor acting.

B. It the audience thinks it's a bad play, it's not the actors' fault.

C. If there were flaws in the play, the audience should think they were dreaming.

D. The playwright will try to do a better job the next time.

5. Dramatic irony means that

A. the cosmos, state, family, and individual follow the same pattern.

B. the audience knows something the character or characters don't.

C. things are going to end very badly for someone.

D. everything works out in the end.

6. Egeus wants his daughter to

A. marry Demetrius.

B. marry Lysander.

C. be executed.

D. enter a convent.

7. In act 3, who says the following lines to Bottom?

      Out of this wood do not desire to go:

      Thou shalt remain here, whether thou wilt or no.

      I am a spirit of no common rate.

A. Titania

B. Puck

C. Oberon

D. Cobweb

8. In act 4, what do the following lines mean?

      Fairy King, attend, and mark:

      I do hear the morning lark.

A. The enchantment on Bottom is about to end.

B. Titania is about to fall in love with Bottom.

C. Theseus and Hippolyta are arriving.

D. The sun is coming up and the fairies should leave.

9. During the Renaissance, dramatists began writing about

A. science.

B. religion.

C. history.

D. everyday people.

10. In act 5, why does Hippolyta believe the lovers' story of their time in the forest?

A. She believes the women because she's a queen.

B. She wants to defend the lovers.

C. The lovers' stories all match.

D. She wants to oppose Egeus.

11. Humanists believe that

A. love is an illusion.

B. life on earth is important in its own right.

C. humans and animals existed on the same level.

D. Shakespeare didn't actually write the plays we think he did.

12. To whom is Helena speaking when she says, "If you were civil and knew courtesy,/You would not do me thus much injury" (act 3,

scene 2)?

A. Hermia only

B. Lysander and Demetrius

C. Demetrius and Hermia

D. Hermia and Lysander

13. According to Renaissance philosophy, commoners often represent

A. reason.

B. love.

C. pride.

D. appetite.

14. Who speaks the line "Lord, what fools these mortals be"?

A. Puck

B. Cobweb

C. Oberon

D. Mustardseed

15. Who says "The course of true love never did run smooth"?

A. Titania

B. Bottom

C. Lysander

D. Demetrius

16. The ability of writers to completely identify with their characters is

A. negative capability.

B. ambiguity.

C. hypocrisy.

D. satire.

17. Using pairs of opposites, such as Helena and Hermia, is called

A. realism.

B. irony.

C. doubling.

D. foreshadowing.

18. The craftsmen in the play speak in prose because

A. too much blank verse gets tiresome.

B. Theseus would have forbidden them to use verse.

C. that kind of common language symbolizes their status in life.

D. it's the language of love.

19. In act 1, the reader learns that Hermia's father refuses to allow her to marry Lysander. What do Hermia and Lysander plan to do to counteract his refusal?

A. Run away to be married.

B. Use a potion to convince Hermia's father.

C. Go together to talk to Hermia's mother.

D. Take their case to Theseus, Duke of Athens.

20. Read the following passage from act 3, scene 2.

      So we grew together,

      Like to a double cherry, seeming parted,

      But yet an union in partition;

In this passage, Helena is referring both to herself and to

A. Titania.

B. Lysander.

C. Oberon.

D. Hermia.

I need help on my work?
And no one likes feeling they are doing all of someone's assignment. Why not ask the question with which you are having the most difficulty?
Reply:I'm sorry but when you ask something only put a couple of questions down.

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