Thursday, July 30, 2009

Is the H.R.D.[human resource development] minister of india Arjunsingh right?

He as decided to implement an increase in O.B.C.[Other backward Classes] quota in IIT[Indian Institute of Technology] and IIM[Indian Institute ofManagement] by 27% which will increase the total seats of reserved categories{which include S.C.[scheduled casts], %26amp; S.T.[scheduled tribes] } to whopping 49.5%.Already there has been a reservation of 22.5% seats for reserved categories since 1990 as per the recommendations by the MANDAL COMMISSION [the studies were conducted on the basis of consensus taken atleast 50 years ago in 1931].This will reduce the seats available in open categories.This will mean that any student who is not adequetely qualified and with average eductional skills will have a chance to get an admission at IIT %26amp; IIM while a qualified student will have less chances in this case.

Is the H.R.D.[human resource development] minister of india Arjunsingh right?
I am not sure if recently some changes happen but as far as I remember Arjunsingh is minister of the H.R.D....

But anyways admissions should be based on qualifications rather just been in some Category and to hold that seat for someone just because they call them self minority does not make sense and is not fair to deserving candidate...

It should be purely only based on credits...

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