Thursday, July 30, 2009

Properties of material?

what are the physical properties,chemical properties, mechanical properties and availability of the following material.

a. mild steel

b. cast iron

c. Aluminum

Properties of material?
roughly %26amp; briefly :

mild steel is vulnerable towards acids , but it carries good tension %26amp; compression.

cast iron is brittle , so it's failure mode is bad(sudden) , it bears mechanical stresses %26amp; vibrations , so it's good as a frame for machines , but not used in construction unless a decoration , it's also more chemically stable than mild.

alum. it's lighter ,nowaday tech, but less stresses can be born by it than steel , it's major advantage is that it experience no rust , %26amp; it's stable than iron or steel as i know , though it's more chemically active , but that's due to it's protection layer (rust) which is formed around it due to oxidation (it's an activel electrochemical element)


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